Together, We Can SHARE

About Us

SHARE reminds us that sustained giving, even in small amounts, can add up, and lead to meaningful impact over time.

Minister for Social and Family Development of Singapore
Masagos Zulkifli, MSF Committee of Supply 2024

What is SHARE?

As a hassle-free monthly giving programme of Community Chest, all donations through SHARE will be a continuous source of funds to provide holistic and comprehensive support to a wide range of social service agencies, especially those who are less visible or relatively unknown.

What is SHARE as One?

Under the SHARE as One programme, the Government will provide dollar-for-dollar matching for any additional donations through SHARE, over and above the amount donated in the preceding year up to Financial Year 2025.

Where businesses encourage their staff to donate regularly, the Government will allow part of the matching funds to be used by them to organise Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

The rest of the matching grant will go to a fund to be managed by Community Chest to benefit the social service sector. Social service agencies can apply for the grant to organise meaningful volunteer activities for corporates and to build up volunteer management capabilities to provide better opportunities and experiences for corporate volunteers. 

SHAREasOne Infographic

Through the SHARE as One programme, Community Chest hopes to:

  • Encourage more individual giving in a sustainable manner; and

  • Create more volunteering opportunities as part of corporate social responsibility efforts.

Where do your monthly SHARE donations go?

Community Chest supports about 100 social service agencies in Singapore, allowing them to focus on caring for the individuals in need of support. 100% of your donations through SHARE will go towards helping:

  • Children with special needs and youth-at-risk

  • Persons with disabilities

  • Families in need of assistance

  • Seniors in need of support

  • Persons with mental health conditions

Corporates who are interested to support the SHARE programme can email to

Individuals who are interested to sign up a SHARE donor can register their details on the donation page.