Legacy Giving

Leave a Legacy and Support the Communities in Need.


In a world filled with uncertainties, one thing remains certain, everyone has the power to create a lasting legacy that uplifts the communities in need.

This Legacy Giving guide will help you navigate the complex landscape of estate planning and enable you to make a profound difference in the lives of future generations, and the causes that are close to your heart.

Join hands with the Community Chest, where personalised guidance meets philanthropic aspirations, and together, we can identify causes and put in place a legacy that resonates with your heart and values.

Legacy Giving is the practice of creating a lasting impact by including a gift in your Will. It is inclusive and accessible to everyone, irrespective of their wealth, allowing anyone to leave a meaningful legacy.

Your generous contribution will provide essential support to address the urgent needs of the social service sector, including children with special needs and youth-at-risk, adults with disabilities, persons with mental health conditions and seniors and families in need of support.

In Remembrance of a Loved One: One can pay tribute to the memory of a cherished individual by endowing a gift in their honour. This contribution will leave a meaningful and enduring legacy for future generations in their name.

Weaving Charitable Giving into Estate/Succession planning: A meaningful way to contribute and make a difference is by including a gift to support a cause you hold dear, ensuring that your values live on through your legacy.
As social service needs continue to evolve, the need to fortify the sector's capabilities for addressing future challenges has never been more crucial. With an unwavering legacy of over 40 years, Community Chest serves as a trusted gateway, directing resources to where they are needed most and making an indelible impact.

  • Deep Understanding of Landscape: Guided by sector trends, needs and gaps based on evidence-based research and analysis.

  • Measurable Outcomes: Tracking programme outcomes to ensure that service users’ needs are met.

  • Efficient and Impactful Fund Allocation: Funds allocated based on criteria guided by the need to fill service gaps, sustain existing critical services, and support innovative services.

  • Ensuring Sustainability: 100% of contributions are channelled to over 200 critical social service programmes supporting over 93,000 service users each year. Your legacy donation will provide stable funding for initiatives to meet current and future challenges.
100% of your contributions goes towards empowering the lives of adults with disabilities, children with special needs and youth-at-risk, families in need of assistance, persons with mental health conditions and seniors in need of support.

Your legacy gift will go to supporting over 200 critical social service programmes uplifting service users like Lucas, Emilia and Mdm Thilagarani.

Lucas Ong
Emilia Binte Mohamed
Mdm Thilagarani
The simplest way to make a legacy gift is through your will or trust.

  1. Bequeathing through a Will:
    • Specific sum of money
    • Property or other real estate*
    • Shares & Bonds*
    • Residuary Bequest

  2. Memorial Giving
    • Honour your loved ones through planned gifts
    • Request for donations to Community Chest instead of wreaths

  3. Giving of CPF savings or Life insurance
    • Nominate Community Chest as a beneficiary of your CPF savings or life insurance policies

*To be liquidated into cash or monetary funds for donation. Alternatively, please reach out to our team for a conversation.
Legacy giving is a personal and private matter. If you would like to include Community Chest in your Legacy Planning, please email to ncss_comchest@ncss.gov.sg and our team will reach out to you. Alternatively, call us at 6210 2500.

All information and details provided will be kept in strict confidence.

For legal and policy reasons, Community Chest may not be able to accept every legacy gift as specified. Talk to us so that we can help you plan your legacy gift and ensure that it goes towards the intended purpose.

The content of this brochure is strictly for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be, nor should it be relied upon as, legal, financial, or other professional advice. You should consult a qualified professional before taking or omitting to take any action relating to anything discussed in this brochure. This brochure should be used at your own risk.

The National Council of Social Service (which includes the Community Chest) shall also not be liable for any damage or loss, of any kind, resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this brochure. This includes, but is not limited to, any damage or loss suffered because of your reliance on the content of this brochure.

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The reference to National Council of Social Service (which includes the Community Chest) also includes its Directors, officers, employees, representative and agents.