Improving Volunteer Experience

The SHARE as One matching grant enables your social service agency to organise meaningful volunteer activities for corporates and to build up your volunteer management capabilities to provide better opportunities and experiences for corporate volunteers.

Apply for the SHARE As One Grant to enable volunteer capability and capacity building. Email to for more details.

Starting From Ground Zero

For small and committed charities like Alive Community Network, that serves the needs of the community with 5 employees, the SHARE as One matching grant provided an important catalytic boost to their work.

With the grant, the charity was able to bring to fruition a programme that would help to build a pool of volunteers for the organisation and benefit low-income families in the community. Despite not having an existing pool of volunteers, the SHARE as One grant gave a platform to Alive Community Network to dream big and start small. Titled Paint of Love, this programme aimed to bring in 150 volunteers to paint homes of 300 low-income families over the span of two to three years.

Elated to receive the support of SHARE as One grant of $10,000, the first painting begun in June 2017 and in the span of 3 months, the charity was able to recruit more than 40 volunteers to create cleaner and better living environment for 13 families.

Since April 2018, their volunteer pool had grown to almost 80 people and more than 30 families had benefited from this programme. Motivated by the good response to the programme, the charity is making plans to purchase high-powered vacuum cleaners to remove dust and mites which are prevalent in the beds and sofas of families in need.

Find out how you can tap on the SHARE as One grant too.